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Network Medicine: From Data Science to Precision Medicine


Network Medicine combines principles and approaches from network sciences, systems biology, and human dynamics to understand the causes of human diseases and develop new treatments.

Network Medicine evolved from network science research during the early days of the internet and advances in systems biology since the human genome project. Now it's an established way to study, reclassify, and develop treatments for complex diseases

This Network Medicine Certificate Program is organized by, and degree granted by:

Sapienza University of Rome

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, (a flagship Harvard Medical School teaching affiliate)  

"Network Medicine: From Data Science to Precision Medicine" è un'iniziativa che vede coinvolti i seguenti dipartimenti della Sapienza:

  • Dip.di Scienze Radiologiche, Oncologiche e Anatomo Patologiche
  • Dip. di Medicina Traslazionale e di Precisione - Proponente
  • Dip.di Scienze Anatomiche, del Dipartimento di Scienze Anatomiche, Istologiche, medico-Legali e dell' Apparato Locomotore 
  • Dip.di Chimica e Tecnologie del Farmaco.


Programma (385.46 KB)